Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Boy and Girl, a Moonlit Night, the Adventures Of

Dear all, behold the fruits of my Tuesday-night boredom. I'd like you to think of how bored I must be to actually be writing this. I live on the edge of nowhere, none of my housemates are around for me to pester, I don't own a television, and I'm in no mood to go out in this horrible weather. So I'll just write. I don't have a lot of time for this, so I'll try to make it short - it's not really supposed to be anything more than a drabble. I also am dying to see what comes out of my head when I'm in this slanted mood, adding to that the influence of the full moon... that never fails to do crazy things to me. Again, this is part of my desire to experiment with opening up a little bit more, so it's sort of a self-validation thing. Lastly, I hope you enjoy it... or whatever :) Ready, set, bounce.


   She leaned back against the ruddy stone wall, and watched the moonlight cast strange lights upon her pale leg, half-exposed under a sweet summer dress, her skin dewy with the balmy night heat. The road was solitary, and she was alone. She let that sink in. No one would be coming back from the village to disturb her quiet; all of nature seemed in favor of her solitude.
   She drank in the light of the full moon. How strange, for things so sinister to be attributed this brilliant sea of purity illuminating the rocks underneath her bare feet. She felt so at peace. 
   A hiss. The creak of brambles within the cold forest behind the wall. Scampering, puppy-like footsteps. Climbing. Boy straddled the wall above her, cushioning wild berries in his arms as though they were a baby. He threw some directly into her autumnal hair. She started, and hissed like a cat. He laughed, an airy, ringing laugh that rippled into the moist silence of the night.
   He jumped down unto the rocks and grass as she shook vigorously the remaining berries out of her hair. He took great offense at this, for he had just been gathering the berries in the wild all evening.
   "Hi, Girl."
   "Hi, Boy."
   "You need to pick up these berries off the ground."
   Fire in her eyes. Wide innocence in his.
   "I say, I will not! It's your fault for throwing them at me anyway."
   "I didn't know you would drop them!"
   "Oh, and what else should I have done with them, pray tell?"
   "I don't know."
   He pouted.
   "You oughtn't to of handled them so viciously."
   Her nostrils flared. Her hair was rumpled, with stray berry juice making it sticky. She would have struck him, for her nature was impulsive and easily provoked.
   "I know you want to hit me," he whispered somberly. "That's why I'm ducking away."
   She laughed. A spontaneous, riotous one. He quirked an eyebrow at her and grinned.
   "You followed me."
   "Can't prove it, can you?"
   "You always follow my trail."
   Silence. The crickets sawed away. Making sure to keep a distance between them, Boy leaned against the wall much like Girl had done instances before.  
   "You didn't ask to taste the berries."
   His voice was hurt. She rolled her eyes tenderly at him.
   "I haven't a mood for sweetness."
   "But I picked them fresh off the bush just now."
   "I say, will you stop pouting your lips?"
   "I am'n't."
   "The night is young."
   "So it is. The air is sweet."
   "So that is. I'll try later."
   "Could you keep some with you? My hands are sticky."
   A nod of her head. He passed a handful of the savage wine berries into her open palms. Instinctively, she tried one, wetting her lips with its sultry juice.  
   "I say, Boy, are these safe?"
   He had taken notice of a squirrel on a majestic fir yonder, and had been just about to toss it a stick.
   "The berries. Are they of eating quality?"
   "I'm not sure."
   "You're never sure!"
   In a fit of anger she flung the berries onto the ground.
   "I shan't argue with you."
   "It's your fault."
   "Let's go."
   "Where are we going?"
   "Down the road, of course."
   And he looked at her like she was very much a silly creature. Smiling, he interlocked their arms, and laughed when she scowled. She didn't move her arm away.
   "Let's go down the road. I'm old. I'm old, and my bones ache."
   "You're not."
   Their eyes met briefly before he broke the gaze, and looked forth at the stony path they would tread.
   "As for me, I'm quite young."
   "You're not."
   He was silent. They made their way to the start of the country road, and stood there for a while, himself staring into something beyond the open moonlight that herself could not espy. She was getting markedly bored waiting for him to finish, so she kicked his heel.
   "Let's," he said, and they started walking in the nighttime. Along that walk not one of them said anything, for there was little of note swimming inside her head that night, save for the endearing blueness of his eyes and her gratitude at his intrusion into her lonely scene. Likewise, he was very much intrigued by the sweetness of her dark hair, and how beautiful it must be to comb through it wispily; many times when he wandered through the forest scavenging for discarded firewood and rosemary and other such useless things, he wished she would join him in his frequent quests down that same road, though her brow be lowered in anger at him most of the time. She was his friend.
   They reached the lake, the centre of which glimmered in the moonlight, with its deeper parts caressed by shadow.
   "I would like me a drink of water," said he, and, letting go her arm, trotted unto the edge of that downy pool and tipped some water into his lips.
   "I should like me a small dip," announced she. "It's all thanks to you, you know."
   "Your hair is prettier with the berry juice."
   "You're poking fun at me."
   "No. It smells nice."
   She hesitated slightly for fear of the cold water, but waded in with determination, the hem of her dress gliding across the surface like a ghost's train.
   He sat himself cross-legged at the edge of the water. His pale hair was rumpled, and he had dirt on his nose. His clothing was likewise sullied, from rushing through the forest and getting involuntarily splotched with soil.
   "You wouldn't be fancying the rest of the berries, by any chance?"
   "You ought to throw them away."
   "I dug the dirt myself. I've worked too hard for them."
   "Why don't you have some yourself?"
   "My hands are dirty."
   "Give some here."
   "Get out of the water."
   "Get off the shore."
   He rolled up his shirt-sleeves and trousers as though it would make a difference once he was in the water. Yet he felt it was customary etiquette that needed to be obeyed.
   He entered the water, and waded toward her, the berries in his hands.
   She swam towards him. Her hair hung dark and moist and limp against her soaked shoulders. He opened out his palms for her to take some berries, and submerged himself more fully in the water.
  "Will you have some more?"
  "No, I'll toss the rest."
  He let the berries slip out of his hands down to the lake bottom.
  "These berries," said she. "They leave a sweet taste in the mouth."
  A soft sigh. He leant towards her, and kissed her, the tips of his fingers on her neck, trickled with water.
   She was disappointed with the sweetness of the kiss. She could not taste the berries on his lips, and pulled into herself slightly.
   "Your lips are not as sweet as I'd like."
   He drew deep offence at this. He was not angry with her motion away from him. He fancied his lips as rather sweet-tasting, and did not like this insult to their fragrance.
   "You're not going to kiss me again?""
   She edged closer to him, the fabric of her dress wrapping around his knees. He took her hands in his, and buried his face in the waves of her hair.
   I have kissed you, a thousand times over, in my starlight dreams.
   He jolted in the sudden way that was his custom.
   "What d'you think lies at the bottom of yonder well?"
   "What well?"
   "I don't know."
   He gazed down at the haunted fabric cascading in the still waters. She was light as a squirrel. Hers was the only movement he wanted to know.
   "It grows late."
   "So it does."
   "Shall we sleep, dear brother?"
   They waded out onto the bank riddled with pebbles. He had managed to not get his hair wet. He wasn't particularly fond of the water.
   On they walked into the singular night. She was aware of no one but themselves, and he could not discern a time other than night, in this moment, living with this dream, which even now spiralled into the acrid sweetness of the ethereal. She didn't want to let him go.
   They reached the house, and she tipped the door open. It was dark, and entrapped the heat that dizzied the souls of young ones on these summer nights of yore. They creaked over the floorboards, until he reached a white bed, soft with the light of the moon extending out of the gossamer sky into the heated silence of the house.
   "I shall sleep," he announced, and plopped down onto it, his clothing wet and his heart relaxed.
   "And I," cried she, violently plummeting into a mahogany rocking chair that squealed out its harsh rejection. Yet it was all contrived. She fell fast asleep.
   Sighing, he looked out into the morning light of dawn, and knew that this is where he wanted to be. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Care to intrude upon a moonchild's thoughts?

   I just wanna talk. I don't want to worry about indenting, or punctuation, or sounding smart-ass and "intellectual" (whatever that means). I want the words to flow, as I don't normally let them. To bare my soul is not my custom. I'm not even sure if I'll succeed mildly at that through this blog post, but I just wanna talk.

   But you know, I'm sorry, I just have to indent. Look at the worry about silly little details. But you know what? They're not silly to me. I have two planets in Virgo. It's important to me to organize my life, to pick apart and rearrange what's not working into something that is. I don't even care if this bores whoever reads it to tears. But I have to express. I want to do it publicly, rather than in my private journal, because it feels more like catharsis, more like a legit attempt at putting my real self out there. When I'm writing in my journal, I know whatever spills out isn't going to be seen by anyone (save for my marvellously crafty younger brother); it isn't going to find release into the open - I wouldn't be airing out my thoughts, I would just be locking them into an extension of myself even tighter. I have a hunger for communicating my thoughts. Sometimes I wake up at odd hours of the night and grab a pen and paper like those are my lifeline and start to write whatever the hell comes into my mind; when my mother left me in this new life that just sprang up out of nowhere, I had a poetry-composition binge, just to prevent myself from binging on something more sinister and potentially harmful. I try to quieten my mind; to be mentally silent is a necessity for good spiritual maintenance, I think. But there's Words, and then there's Me, and we're always either fighting a losing battle or having a desperate love affair. Yes, I am making love to speech, and to verbs, and ideas. I flirt with words, I turn them into something other than what I am - but they rarely, if ever, express the real me. I try. But I know I don't try hard enough to be honest to myself.

   My times have definitely changed. I'm kinder to myself. I look at myself through the point of view of compassion, rather than hatred, as I remember doing so many times ago. I'm more capable in these moments of my life than I was during these last five years or so to hold my own gaze in the mirror for longer than a millisecond, and to actually smile with my spirit into my reflection, and know that there's love between us. I don't worry as much as I used to, or rather, not in the same unproductive way that I used to. Trust me, with my two planets in Virgo, "I worry a lot" is tremendously understating it. I feel lighter emotionally, gone back to the days when I was a child. So many things that I'd taken for granted earlier now inspire a childish wonder within my spiritual eye now. I have recovered the joy that was missing throughout the past few years. You know, I'm young, actually. I'm eighteen years old, to be exact. I have to keep reminding myself that, you know, "Hey, you're still a kid, everything doesn't need to be figured out right at this moment", because I've lost so much of my childhood. Sadly, somewhere along the line I let myself grow old, so old that I couldn't smile upon the little things anymore... I took myself way too seriously, and I took things with an iron heart. I've been through war - maybe that hardens one's soul a bit. Ever since I was eleven I can remember things not being quite normal in me, in the inner world that I so love and revert to consistently in times of emotional trouble. That was the year when there was a war in my country; I wasn't quite the same after that. I was so angry and hostile. I had so much ego at twelve. It's not wrong to have ego, just as long as it isn't inflated with empty hot air, ready to burst forth at the slightest application of pressure. That burst happened when I was thirteen. I was so goddamn miserable. A kid shouldn't have to feel that way. At first I lashed out, in anger, I'm sure, but more in confusion. Then I grew morbid. God wasn't far from my heart, He just wasn't there in the way that I needed. I cried. I hurt. I didn't want to die, though. Not really. I'm not too pathological, I was just frustrated with the way things weren't going. Fourteen. If there ever was a social ideal, I was That. Fifteen had periods of alarmingly apathetic depression spells. I took up a hobby, though, besides the usual music, which was more like an education path rather than a hobby. It helped, and it was nice. Sixteen was a horrible year. It was something of a half-remembered nightmare. My self-respect fragilified. I couldn't look into my eyes in the mirror without seeing hatred. It disturbed me. I remember the water burning my skin as I cried silently, but hard; the painful tears of a woman realizing that her sanity is fleeting. I was a woman then. I'm a sweet girl now, but back then, I was a woman. I self-mutilated, and lusted after this manifestation of my troubled daemons. It didn't just feel good, like an orgasm feels good, it just felt. I just felt. It helped me feel. I knew I was headed in the direction of losing my mind somewhat. And my mind lost itself, in its own dear way, at seventeen. I went crazy. It's a painful spot to open up. I don't know if I wanna do this. Let's just say I went crazy with pain and rage. It was a year of loss. I would love to see what in my birth chart indicates such a fate. My emptiness had no bottom. I spiralled into the darkness, until I learned to be comfortable without a light. I can stand in the dark now. I've seen my id inside and out, and I accept it. The contents of my id I won't share tonight. The id isn't meant to be analyzed. I've out-idded my id. I hope no one's getting the impression that I'm some freaky boozed-out lunatic who sits there laughing in the dark at ghosts that may or may not be there. When the day comes out, I'm a pretty friendly and personable charmer. And that's a real side of me. But there's this as well. I don't want to say I'm "crazy". This is my problem with words. The labels they put on me. The cancellation of my charming side that comes with saying I'm "crazy". I have so many faces I've given up trying to keep track of which is which. I'm an Aquarius, but the way I go on, you'd think I was a Gemini. I smile, and it's forced. Yet it's also natural, exactly in that same moment. I'm existing as a walking, talking "doublethink" derivative. This is so cool. But it drives my mind loco most nights. I've developed a habit of talking out loud to myself. I'm careful about not doing it in a conspicuously loud way; I live with people. and I don't want questions asked. Such an instance would be the first time I'm ever really silent about something. I'm lonely. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't go out much (meaning for the most part I don't go out at all - don't fill in my blanks with your own petty assumptions, though - I'm not friendless, and I'm not ugly, and I'm not unintelligent - I am what they call a "loner by volition"). I'm chaste. I've been to strange psychological zones when it comes to sexuality, but I've come out a virgin like I knew I would. I'm a vegetarian. I'm an acutely boring person a lot of the time, because I just don't want to talk. And yet I love to talk. But only when I'm in a situation that's social by nature. When I get home, I just want to close off everyone, no matter how "dear" they are to me. I believe in my way of life, for me. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's what I want, and I wouldn't feel right another way. But you know, I've got some mega-curiosity. Everything I do is out of curiosity. Everything. I can be dogmatic and say that. There's always an experimental edge, I'm never sincerely in love with a cause 100%. I'm a little too objective.

   Which leads me to the topic of sex. Notice I didn't say love. "Love", I have in my life. And it doesn't fill me. Love is meant to go free. I don't think love is supposed to fill anyone, it's supposed to be spilled out to the world, rather, through kindness and humanitarianism. But to have someone completely for me, is linked to sex for me, somewhere in that part of my consciousness that adjoins the id, right before tipping into it. Maybe it's the wrong kind of love. But what the hell does that even mean. "Romantic love", "brotherly love", "parental love"... it's all just love when you stop verbistifying it. And I don't like it. I even don't care. I say I do, and I think I do, and I even feel it back for those who profess to love me. I think of three people when that word comes to mind, and I believe that according to their own individual definitions of love, they love me. But I'm sorry, it doesn't do anything special for me, it doesn't transfigure my being into something higher up than just a mere mortal. It's actually kind of boring. What I feel is a vague unstimulation when dealing with love. Like I could be staring at a water-bucket... or something. Like fucking. I want a man to fuck me so hard my insides tear up a bit. I want him to control me, to take the lead, and make me want to submit. But then, after the orgasm and all that excitement is done, I want it to be over. We had sex, and I love you, but now I want to live my life, and continue on to the many other exciting things the world has to offer, both that of the psyche and that of what's out there. I think romance movies are a a little cheesy like that... you wouldn't want to stare into someone's eyes every day for the rest of your life... besides the fact that it is a creeper-tastic activity, you would get bored. Trust me. That I know. Even with the most pure and deep love. It's the way our spirits are made. We're not meant to be contained, or defined by something. You know, even though I write an astrology blog, I question the goodness of classifying someone as "Aquarius" or "Pisces" or whatever, when our souls are eternally mutable, and our experience constantly changing. When I think of this meeting one person and falling in love with only them for eternity to come, I get reluctant and scared, like I don't really wanna meet them anymore. My heart is extended in love to so many people that I wouldn't know what to do if I had to reserve it just for one man or one woman. I have more than one soulmate. I have more than one anything, with two as a preferred number. I have woman within myself, and I have man. I have a mistress, and I have a paramour.  I am dark, and I am light. But I'm also gray, and blue, and yellow, and green. Why do you need to define me? At the same time, why do you need to undefine me? Why do I need to make sense? Why does sense need to exist to begin with? I've lived in anarchy and it's comfortable. It gets cozy, and you get used to it, and it's hard to break out of that mould once it's been broken into. I don't think this is my idea, that I want to find someone I can live with forever. Why, in passing, does the soulmate have to be someone you're romantically in love with - especially since romance is just a fabrication, an industry, an idea? I've had mates that fit my soul. That's enough of a round definition for me. If you meet someone and you're comfortable with one another and you don't need to talk all the time and feel empathy and know you understand one another, that's enough to qualify you two as soulmates, in my book. What if three people are all in love with each other? Does that mean that one pairing isn't a soulmates one in the true sense of the word? It's all just words - that's the problem, and the great joy of it. I can talk, but I don't have to do. I can fantasize about making love, and that's enough for me, at least for the moment. I can talk it out. I can communicate the shit out of it until it's useless for me to even go do something about it. When you're ever stuck in a pickle, just talk. It's good to hear your own voice, to make sure you're sane and all this world in your head can be hushed up when it gets too out of hand.

   I still have so much to say, but I have to sleep, or else I'm not gonna want to function tomorrow. Well, hopefully there'll be more days of this beautiful life that I have, for more blog posts about what's coursing through my brain as the world rotates in its mad dance. And really it's all perfectly sane. Bla bla bla. Want me to stop talking? Okay. I will :D

   I'm happy I wrote this, and shared it publicly. I need to see the weird roam free for once.

Signed, your friendly Water Bearer.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Why hello there! It would seem you've stumbled upon my Aquarius page. Welcome :)

What you'll find here:
  • Basic Aquarius: Things you need to know about the Water Bearer.
  • Keywords and Associations of the sign Aquarius.
  • Aquarius with the Signs.
  • Aquarius Description.

Basic Aquarius

Hi, Water Bearer! This following information is like your astrological passport, it's mainly technical information about your sign that you might find interesting. If you don't understand it all, that's okay, most people don't. But understood or not, I'll be clearing that up in future posts.

Here we go:

Sign: Aquarius
Symbol: A kneeling male figure pouring water out of a jug.
Quadruplicity (your element): Air
Triplicity (your quality): Fixed
Planetary rulership: Uranus (Saturn in Vedic aka Indian astrology, as well as classical astrology).
Vibration: Uranus vibrates to the number "four", Saturn to the number "eight".
Planetary Polarity: Masculine (you are influenced by the masculine planet Uranus).
Sign Polarity: Yang (Masculine Day Forces)

Keywords and Associations of the sign Aquarius

Here is a list of words and expressions commonly/traditionally associated with your sign, dear Water Bearer. You may or may not agree with some or all of these. My job is to report astrological classifications, stereotypes if you will, to you.

Outer space, future, aviation, electronics and technology, progressive, pixilated, daffodil, elecricity, lightning, precognitive flashes, insanity, genius, perverse opposition of society, aloofness, humanitarian goals, broad perspective, fuzzy memory, sudden violent outbursts, eccentricity, unisex, friendship, brotherhood, contrariness, paradox, mad scientist, nutty professor.

Aquarians to Emulate

Oprah Winfrey
Lewis Carroll

* Note that these are solar Aquarians, which means that the Sun was traveling through the Aquarius zone of the zodiac at the times of their births.

These two Water Bearers embody the higher ideals of the Aquarius spirit.

Basically they are representations of the more evolved Aquarian souls, who have achieved positive goals out of the Aquarian stubborn perseverance and eccentric streak.

The humanitarian success of Oprah Winfrey is latent within the spirit of each and every Water Bearer; the Water Bearer's challenge is to detach from petty day-to-day details and fulfill their true purpose of upholding the ideals of mankind at large.

Lewis Carroll is one of my favorite Water Bearers of all time. In many ways, Carroll is the textbook example of the Uranian character; that eccentric streak common to Aquarians of all ages, races, and sexes sure did come in handy when he penned those brilliant Alice stories of his; additionally, Carroll was a mathematician (a testament to the scientific bend more typical of Aquarians than an artistic one), a church minister, and one of the first photographers of nudes in Europe.

Here's one of my favorite Carroll quotes; I believe this one really embodies the half-mad, half-visionary, and always playful essence of the Uranus spirit:

"Yet you balance an eel on the end of your nose -
 What made you so awfully clever?"

D'ya see what I mean? I hope you love it as much as I do.

Aquarius with the Signs

 Here is a watered-down, basic compatibility list for Aquarius, the Water Bearer. I say watered-down because I plan to tackle synastry, or compatibility astrology, in other, more in-depth blog posts. So, dear Water Bearer, here is a basic guide as to your meshing pattern with all the zodiac signs.

Aquarius with Aries

My rating for this association: 3 out of 5
Aspect: Sextile, 3-11 vibration (+ve).
Verdict: A friendly association, with good overall chemistry. Worth giving it a shot.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a slightly better edge if the male is the Aries and the female is the Aquarius.

Aquarius with Taurus

My rating for this association: 2 out of 5
Aspect: Square, 4-10 vibration (-ve).
Verdict: You have your work cut out for you. You both have lessons to learn from one another.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Taurus.

Aquarius with Gemini

My rating for this association: 4 out of 5
Aspect: Trine, 5-9 vibration (++ve).
Verdict: As close to celestial bliss as you're ever going to get.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Gemini.

Aquarius with Cancer

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Aspect: Inconjunction, 6-8 vibration (+ve or -ve)
Verdict: This can either be an association of true beauty, or a relentless clashing of spirits.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Cancer.

Aquarius with Leo


My rating for this association: Fluctuant
Aspect: Opposition, 7-7 vibration (++ve or --ve).
Verdict: Dear Aquarius, Leo is your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel. The things you lack, Leo possesses, and vice versa. You have incredibly useful lessons to learn from Leo, so if you're getting to know a Leo, thank your lucky stars - Leo was sent to you to help improve your soul. If the Leo you know is of the opposite sex, you will feel bound to this person's ideals like a magnet; if the relationship has a sexual or romantic twist, it will be explosive. However, you might feel an aversion or antipathy towards Leos of the same sex, and chances are you might actively dislike them and mistrust their motivations. Tread wisely with this association, as either way, a close association between these two will never be strictly casual.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Leo.

Aquarius with Virgo

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Aspect: Inconjunction, 6-8 vibration (+ve or -ve).
Verdict: This can either be an association of true beauty, or a relentless clashing of spirits.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Virgo.

Aquarius with Libra

My rating for this association: 4 out of 5
Aspect: Trine, 5-9 vibration (++ve).
Verdict: As close to celestial bliss as you're ever going to get.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Libra and the female is the Aquarius.
Aquarius with Scorpio

My rating for this association: 2 out of 5
Aspect: Square, 4-10 vibration (-ve).
Verdict: You have your work cut out for you. You both have lessons to learn from one another.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Scorpio.

Aquarius with Sagittarius

My rating for this association: 3 out of 5
Aspect: Sextile, 3-11 vibration (+ve).
Verdict: A friendly association, with good overall chemistry. Worth giving it a shot.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a slightly better edge if the male is the Sagittarius and the female is the Aquarius.

Aquarius with Capricorn

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Aspect: No major aspect formed (+-).
Verdict: Nothing special here. You'd both be better off with someone else in the long run.
For romance and sex, the relationship has a slightly better edge if the male is the Capricorn and the female is the Aquarius.

Aquarius with Aquarius


My rating for this association: Fluctuant.
Aspect: Conjuction (++ve or --ve).
Verdict: So you're associated with another Aquarius. This can either be a magnification of all the positives of the sign Aquarius, in which case the two of you together can soar into unprecendented heights other humans can only dream of reaching. However, if all the negatives of the sign Aquarius are magnified in your association, you can safely expect to cause a deep rift in your relationship and drive each other crazy and deep into the ocean of your depression. Better to tread carefully with this one.
Well, you're both Aquarians. You figure the romance and sex bit out!

Aquarius with Pisces

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Aspect: No major aspect formed (+-).
Verdict: Nothing special here. You'd both be better off with someone else in the long run.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Pisces.

Aquarius Description

   The scene is anywhere; at school, on the bus to work, at the park. There you are, silently minding your own business, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, when a strange creature intrudes upon your scene... you think "creature", only because this strange person is unlike any other you've seen on the planet, or are likely to see anytime around this lovely 21st century. It's not that he or she necessarily looks weird, or is even doing anything to purposefully shake up the air around you... it's just, well, just a crazy vibe that's bouncing off this person; you can almost touch the electricity zapping out of their being as they look you up, down, and sideways under those strangely detached eyes. They leave you with a distinct "what-just-happened" playing upon your mind, not to mention a burning curiosity as to how someone can be so damn weird and aloof, and yet so likeable and friendly? Oh man, hang on to your skivvies hard, ladies and gents... you've just been zapped by the Uranian lighting of Aquarius.

   The Water Bearer is a weirdo. You can take that as a general rule; it works every time. There, I'll even highlight it for you: the Water Bearer is a weirdo. But tread carefully with this rule; Aquarius is a mental Air sign; Air signs are the natural communicators of the zodiac. Barring an earthier or more watery planetary influence in the natal chart, Aquarius is usually a people-person at heart, a true extrovert, always trying to make friends with everybody around him or her. Despite periods of isolation and solitary meditation, in the long run, Aquarius wants friendly exchange with as many people as possible; therefore, most Aquarians are aware of the need to be socially graceful and basically "not weird", and will usually cut back on their eccentricity before it starts to seriously alienate them from the masses. But the eccentric and the shocking can never be completely cancelled out in the Uranian nature. Keep in mind that Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is "opposition"; when people go right, the Uranian goes left, or, hell, maybe even splits in half and diffuses into thin air. The point of the matter is, look closely. It may be well-disguised and latent, or it may be overt and showy, but that unconventional streak is always there in Aquarians, even if it shows through very insignificant little actions. But that deviation from the norm is a given.

   The key expression for understanding the Uranian nature is why not. Aquarians love to outrage convention, and are continuously questioning social mores and pushing the boundaries of what is socially acceptable. Why not? the Aquarian asks. Having recently experienced the restrictive vibration of Saturn through the Capricorn incarnation, the Aquarius soul remembers in the subconscious what it's like to be tied down to the rules, even when you vehemently disagree with what is being shopped around as "right" in the eyes of society. Also remember that Saturn, the planet of restriction, structure, and loss is the classical ruler of Aquarius; this rulership gifts Aquarius with an instinctive and innate compassion for those who can't bring themselves to escape the restrictive clutches of society and become their own persons; however, the Aquarian nature is more often than not liberated from these Saturnine chains, for the power of Uranus does not channel itself through the personality of an individual unless that individual has passed through what is known in astrology as Saturn's "door"... in other words, unless the individual has successfully learned the Saturnine lessons of obedience to authority and the rigor of climbing steadily uphill towards social success and greatness. Once the soul has passed the Saturnine test, it returns to a more uninhibited, childlike state of inquisitiveness through the Aquarius vibration of second childhood. It's no wonder most Aquarians are quite playful, and on the surface may seem quite naive and childlike. Don't be fooled by this special brand of Uranian dishonesty. Aquarius is an old, old soul.

   It's almost as if Aquarius senses that to be able to participate actively in society while still holding onto his or her eccentric habits, Aquarius must play the part of the innocent friendly child, always asking questions and counting everyone as a friend, and I mean everyone. The beggar on the side street is just as much the Aquarian's friend as the prima ballerina breaking into her new pointe shoes. Aquarius is the sign of friendship, tolerance, and brotherhood. Aquarius will accept anyone regardless of their personal code, and whether it clashes with Aquarius's own code of ethics or not. Indirectly, people are Aquarius's experimental tools, and society is their mad-lab. The spirit of Aquarius reflects true broad-spectrum humanitarianism, and the realization that people must learn to live cooperatively together despite petty differences in lifestyle and creed on this world if they are to uplift it. With this tolerant outlook, you can expect most Aquarians to have many friends of all shapes and sizes. Some Aquarians are shy; I know one or two of the shy variety, myself [occasionally] included; but they're still friendly and humane despite their basic reticence. Try it out; even the shy ones get those crazy lights in their eyes and flash you an open, friendly smile when you take the time to say hi.

   It's worth noting that with this tolerant, broad outlook, a humungous proportion of all those friends Aquarius has, are not close associates of theirs. Each and every one of those Aquarians is a walking, talking (that's if they haven't taken up flying and chanting away in their newly invented language as hobbies) paradox. Despite being naturally communicative and extroverted, the Aquarius spirit is a lonely one at its core, primarily due to a feeling Aquarius has of no one truly understanding him or her. Aquarius is right: a lot of people don't fully catch unto the Uranian frequency too easily, especially if Aquarius's ideas are too contrary to social norms for people to acknowledge their brilliance. And most of the time, Aquarius's ideas stand a fair chance of actually being brilliant. Aquarius is the sign of genius and insanity, in varying droves. Aquarian Virginia Woolf drowned herself in a river by filling her pockets with rocks, after having penned the classic Mrs. Dalloway during her lifetime. Here's a quote to chew on when analyzing the Uranian nature: "As Aquarius thinks today, so will the world think in fifty years."
   Here's a curious contradiction about Aquarians that you may have picked up on in your dealings with them (or you might already know this, if you're a Water Bearer yourself reading this): there will always be a marked air of detachment mingled in with the Aquarian's exceptional friendliness. Your Aquarius friend is really sincere when he tells you you're his friend (by the way, you'll find that some Aquarians have downright fetishized this word and continually refer to everyone as "friend" or "buddy" or "pal", or "my friends", when dealing with the collective. It's one of the ways you can spot an Aquarian in the crowd, note it down kids). And as icing on the cake, your Water Bearer will, unless other aspects of their natal chart indicate standoffishness and extreme coldness, live up to the personification of "the best friend a girl or guy could ever have". But the Air element detaches Aquarius; it forces Aquarius into the realm of the mind, of thoughts, bright ideas, intellectual pursuits, and communication. People born under Earth or Water signs in particular might feel a little empty emotionally and starved for tangible displays of affection in an association with an Aquarian; that's the problem right there: tangible. Aquarius prefers to keep their feelings elusive, fleeting, and very enigmatic. These are the types of people to play a guessing game, especially in matters of love and romance. This is a self-protection strategy, whether or not the Uranian realizes it. On some occasions, you might feel as though you've stumbled upon a highly zany, spazzed-out computer when dealing with an Aquarius. Don't you believe it; the Aquarius heart is very sensitive, and painfully vulnerable to hurt. How does Aquarius disguise this vulnerability? By detaching emotionally and ascending into the airy clouds of their thoughts. You'll notice that Aquarian eyes actually glaze when the Aquarian is hurt or upset. That's the way to tell you've touched a sensitive cord with your Water Bearer. When that happens, I would advise you to be the one to apologize; the fixed, or stubborn, quality of Aquarius will significantly bar them from being able to tell you "sorry". Before I forget (Aquarians have a knack for forgetting the most important detail of whatever; but you'll find that their minds are always clicking away at high speed. Aquarius tends to remember only what pleases the Uranian ego), here's a sort of warning to those of you reading this who are interested in an Aquarian, or are currently in the waters with one: beware of a tendency on the Aquarian's part to revert what to both of you is definitely a more-than-friends thing, into a hey-we're-just-friends thing, as a result of the legendary Uranian commitment-phobia. Usually Aquarians aren't players; they're too fundamentally honest to play the field for long, anyway. Uranus is the symbol of the unisex; therefore, Aquarius is likely to have a mix-up of sorts between trying to pick apart the daisies from the blue-jays; consequently, Aquarius won't be too man-crazed or woman-crazed. Aquarius is the ultimate friend to all... in the lover department, you might have to heft a considerable weight trying to pin your Aquarian down into a "settlement" of sorts. It's not really a fear of being rejected that pushes a large number of Aquarians towards bachelorhood; it's more the fear of losing their individuality (on which there'll be a slightly fanatical emphasis) and freedom (add an even more fanatical emphasis to that) within the confines of another person, and never getting them back; at least, to Aquarius's knowledge, he or she will never get those qualities back untarnished and pure, like the first love of childhood. Which reminds me (like a boss): you might have a sizable problem on your hands when it comes to your Aquarian's first love. That first idealization of feelings and thoughts won't be forgotten easily by Aquarius; some Aquarians will only go out on a romantic limb only if the person hanging on the tree-branch reminds them of the subject of this first love, which is nine times out of ten an exceedingly sweet, romanticized platonic friendship.

   Some words about the external appearance of the Uranian, to help those of you who love guessing people's zodiac sign on first glance. This applies more to Aquarius rising than Sun or Moon in Aquarius, since the rising sign, or ascendent/first house, rules the physical appearance. Aquarians are usually quite tall, with a flaxen, light-complexioned beauty or handsomeness. The key to capturing the essence of this sign is in the eyes; Aquarian eyes are either vague to the point of irritating others, or relentlessly following your every flit of motion; it's not the deep, soul-penetrating gaze of Scorpio, that makes you wonder if the Scorpion is "fair or foul"; think of it as more of a scientific study, a sort of filing system, for the Uranian's future reference. What, exactly, might the Uranian need to refer to in the future? I can't tell any more than you can, and I'm one of them. As Aquarians, once you've piqued our interest or curiosity in some way, we are anxious to unveil the mystery. But once the magic has disappeared, that flighty Aquarian interest can most unkindly evaporate along with it, usually for the long term. Keep it fresh and fun and preferably platonic with Aquarius, for those of you aiming to date one. Overwhelming, exaggerated displays of sexuality or passion are likely to intimidate Aquarius (who subconsciously will have doubts about their sexual attractiveness, you can safely bet), and what does Aquarius do to counteract this intimidation? You guessed it - nothing. Aquarius just floats away on the wind, to the next intellectual or romantic pursuit. But you can still be friends. Of course you can still be friends. As long as you don't push for more. It's an unwise waste of time trying to push Aquarius into anything they're not buying... the changeable Air element of Aquarius is diametrically opposed by the Aquarian fixity. Paradox, ladies and gents, paradox. Aquarius is all for change, as long as it doesn't ruffle up his or her established personal rhythm and life code. It's worth noting down that Aquarius will only ever truly respect you if you live up to your ideals, and have achieved something on an intellectual scale. And always tell the truth, no matter how blunt and offensive you think you're being to the Aquarian; they can stomach it. Nothing shocks Aquarius. But most likely, everything about Aquarius might just shock you. One last hasty comment: beware of the violent lightning-bolt anger. It doesn't strike often, but one flash of it is enough to make you never want to see it again.

   Aquarius rules the legs (not the knees, though; the knees are ruled by Capricorn, be careful). It is the second-oldest soul of the zodiac, after Pisces. Life partners for Aquarius are Libra and Gemini, who are likely to admire Aquarius's ideas rather than scorn those, and will understand and satisfy the Aquarian need for mental chemistry between friends and lovers. However, when dealing with romantic/sexual compatibility, always check if the Aquarian's Venus (the planet of love) and Mars (the planet of sexual drive) are compatible with your own. Sexually, Aquarius might feel well-mated with Leo, its opposite sign.

   This has been a long-ass Aquarius post. Happy Monday, Water Bearers, and readers who might be trying to grapple with one - best way to describe dealing with a Water Bearer - grappling! Hope this helps you understand the sign "Aquarius", and I'll just bet it pretty damn accurate, me being an Aquarian. If it isn't, you guys can correct me, or e-mail me some of your own input on the Uranian personality.

Here's my e-mail:


Aquarius, out.

Signed, your friendly Water Bearer.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

I Am Thankful

Hello fair readers!

Here is the companion post to "This is an Act of Love". Here is where I'm going to meditate on all that I'm thankful for in my life. I'll try not to make it too long, as the aim of this blog is not to advertise my own life, but help you manage and understand your own.

I urge you all to meditate on what you're thankful for in your lives, and take the time out to write it down somewhere, and contemplate in silence the total mystery and wonder of being, and being happily.

I have to say, I don't really advocate measuring up happiness against a backdrop of personal and other-personal sorrow.

You know, like, when people say, "Be thankful for what you have, because someone else is dying right this instant."

It's a downer, and it kills the fun and happiness of that moment when you're supposed to be communicating with the Universal Power through your core.

Rather, I advocate being thankful, for the sake of it.

Just be thankful. Don't overanalyze it. It's a simple state of being. You just have to thank to reach that state :) That's the only requirement.

Again, I would like to urge you to write it all down. I find that writing stuff down cements it as a reality somewhere outside of your brain. It's the proof that you're really thankful, as for some of us it may be difficult to even get words of thanks off the tips of our tongues, especially if they aren't meant. So please, make this written-down prayer of thanks your credit card voucher, your proof of purchase, whatever you want to make it out to be.

I wish you a Sunday full of love and compassion for yourselves and the people around you.

Without further ado, here it goes:

  • I am thankful for the love of my God, and my love and rediscovery of Him every time that I stray, come back, then stray again, from the path of expressing my own spirit.
  • I am thankful for the love and health of my mother, as she is the one woman who has ever really understood me without having to be told what I am. Well, she understands me as much as anyone can understand me, and for that, I am thankful. (My mother is a brave, fiery Sagittarian-Lioness. Me being an Aquarian-Virgoan, we definitely have our tiffs, but we keep learning so much from one another. I miss you yelling at me, Mama. But even more, I miss yelling back.)
  • I am thankful for the love that my friend Carl gives me so selflessly and trustingly. He really makes me feel like I have somebody in the world, who sees the same rainbow and believes in the future of dreams. Thank you so much. (Carl is a Gemini. You can see why we get along so effortlessly.)
  • I am thankful towards my dear friend Bruna; I have a lot to thank her for. The stories she lets me read before anyone else, and snapping me back to reality when I need it, and just all the dreams and love we've shared, and shall continue to share, with God's blessing. (Bruna is a Libran, the most compatible sign for an Aquarius. Gemini is a freakishly close second.) 
  • I am thankful for the month of August, which I got to spend in isolation for the most part, reading, polishing up my dreams, and meditating in the heat of the Mediterranean summer. I loved it.
  • I am thankful for my helpful neighbor B., who always makes himself useful without being asked and has made the paperwork parts of living in Prague a whole lot easier since I've been here. Thanks, B., I'm picking up your skills. (B. is a Pisces.)
  • I am thankful for all the friendly faces I've become acquainted with in Prague. I'm happy that I'm getting along with people and communicating as much as possible.
  • I am thankful for the love I have discovered latent within myself, towards myself. That is perhaps the greatest gift of all. It's given me a lot of inner peace.
  • I'm thankful for my dream more or less coming true.
  • I'm thankful for the music I get to sing and all the emotions and thoughts I release through that process.
  • I'm thankful for the books I'm reading and the new points of view I'm discovering.  
  • I'm thankful for good food, and handsome men.
  • I'm thankful for my "Aquarius" mug.
  • I'm thankful for my nice smile, and my glib manner, and my eyes, which have never failed me at making a man want to cradle me in his arms.
  • I'm thankful for my one true love, H., for letting me go, and giving me the permission to set myself free. You're someone who I loved for a long time, and love still, but it's better for us to be distant from one another, and let the course of life move us in different directions. I'm thankful that you're beautiful and sweet and happy, which is what we both deserve to be (H. is another Aquarius. Dear me!)
  • I'm thankful for the day, and that's there nothing I really have to do right about now.
  • I'm thankful for the past flames of my young life. Thank you for teaching me that I'd much rather remain celibate than have to act a certain way every day that isn't fully who I am. Thank you for outraging my ideals, so that I could learn to hold on to them even harder. Thank you for teaching me what it really takes to love someone productively. Thank you for teaching me the joys of submitting to a man. Thank you for letting me use you as lab rats on various occasions. Thanks for the kisses, that made me feel even more lonely than I was prior. But more than anything, thanks for the ideas you enabled me to think of. Yeah, just thanks, I guess.
  • I'm thankful for my vacillating mind - if that wasn't the case, I'd turn into a fossil, always thinking about memories.
  • I'm thankful that I genuinely feel for other humans on a personal level, and yet see the forest beyond the trees.
  • I'm thankful for all of this. It's surreal, and it still feels like a dream. I guess I'm thankful for that above all else.
So, friends, there you have it - my tedious list of thank-you's. I'd like you to make your own thank-you lists; you don't have to post them up here, good heavens, although if you'd like to, it would be nice. It's just a self-liberatory action, writing things down, even if no one acknowledges what you've written.

It isn't about ego, it's about loss of ego.

Happy Sunday, friends! Feel free to e-mail me your astrology questions, and any spiritual or romantic qualms you may be having. My gmail is bemgcasrbaquarian@gmail.com

Signed, your friendly Water Bearer.

This is an Act of Love

Hello all! Smiles.

   First of all, happy birthday Neils Bohr!! Yes, today is THE Bohr's birthday, the planetary-model-of-the-atom Bohr whom I so admire. I also liked what he said about the reflection and absorption spectra of the hydrogen atom (well I believe it was that atom :p). So Bohr is a solar Libran. Brilliant. Those Libra men are always so smart :) Well, this is an astrology blog - I had to throw in a word edge-wise about the matter of his zodiac sign.

   Anyway, here's a quote from Bohr that has gotten me thinking in the past, hope it gets your minds running if they haven't started doing so yet on this lazy autumnal day:

   "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth."

   Don't worry, this isn't going to be a post about Bohr. I just mentioned him because Google was so kind as to inform the world that today is the man's birthday, and I rather like the guy and what he said and what he did for the world. I thought it was worth mentioning; it's nice to be admired for your toil by people.

   Here's a picture of Bohr so that you guys can see the man, for those of you who don't know what he looks like. Save your imagination for other things :)

   I think this picture makes him look young and bright-eyed and hopeful, and I like that.

   Okay, and now I reach the point of my post.

   While I'm getting there, I'm going to give you guys a quote from Mr. Bohr that will get my talkative juices flowing. I found it now and it fits what I'm going to talk about. So, here it is:

   " Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it."

   Today I'll be talking about the subject of thanks, and by extension, positive thinking, which this quote leads us to think of.

   Guys, ask yourselves, "How many of us really make an effort to think positively?"

   No, like, really make an effort to try and not be so negative about everything that's "wrong" with our lives. To actually sit down with one's mind and say, "I am not going to mistreat you with all the negative thought patterns I've built up over the years. I am going to love you, and appreciate your propensity for generating joy, even out of the most difficult and trying situations."

   Positive thinking is an act of love, not only towards our minds and souls, but towards our bodies, and towards our "God" and the people who would like to see us flourish in life.

   Don't misunderstand what I have to say. I am not preaching delusion, and just sitting around while things crumble about oneself when something can be done to better the situation. I'm not even talking about action. I'm just talking about positive thinking as a theoretical idea.

   Back to the topic:

   Let me ask you. Suppose you're having body image issues. People left and right keep telling you to lose weight, to cut off those split ends, to fix your teeth because, "Oh, it's just that, well, you'd be so much prettier" or "so much more handsome" if you "tweeked this, tweezed that, jus' a lil', you know. But you're still good."

   You start to listen. You let the negative thoughts come creeping into your psyche, and soon enough you think the way they do. And then the hatred comes.

   You start to see yourself through the distorted lens of other people's negativity. Instead of respecting your body for the life it enables you to carry out on this Earth, and the health and lack of deformity of its condition, and the sheer beauty of the naked human form, you start to dread looking in the mirror, and down goes your self-esteem, all because you can't seem to tell yourself that you are beautiful.

   The big and sad downfall of this situation is that you are not only insulting your body, but you are robbing your mind of its birthright to be brave and calm and stable. And you are chaining up the love towards yourself that you need to feel if you're ever going to move forward and live the life your soul desires, stifling it under all this hatred.  

   Who knows, you may be what people in human societies call "fat". You may not fit the aesthetic mold for "beauty". You may not have a high enough IQ, or not earn a big enough paycheck. So. Fucking. What?!

   Etiquette dictates you should never insult a person on the street for being fat, for example. Then why should it be that so many of us can't even offer up that same basic respect, towards our own fatness, or un-prettiness, or un-intellectualism? It's a beautiful thing to be able to say (and mean), "Okay, I may not be where I want to be, but I'm going to love you through whatever experiences we go through together, dear body/mind/soul of mine." When you do that, you let love in, and the hatred starts to lose its value. It's insignificant, because love is more soothing than constantly wrestling with our daemons. Love is a better companion to carry into your dreams at night, when you should be appreciating the day that has past, and the day that will hopefully come. Once you start working on letting that love in, little by little, that's when the miracle happens... you start to let the hate out. You set it free, let it go - the hatred towards yourself, and towards your fellow brothers and sisters. And that would be a true religion, based entirely on loving yourself and everyone around you as an image and likeness of God (thank you for that beautiful highlighted statement, Mr. Moffarij. I understand now a little bit better what you tried to tell me, and the joy is, I understand with my heart as well as my mind).

   Keep in mind that the daemons won't neccessarily go away. They'll still be there, as long as people will be there, and society, ready to taunt you and knock you down. And sometimes, I'm sure, you will be knocked down. Just don't let it happen too much. When we give in to negative thought patterns time and again, never bothering to put the effort towards positivity, we just forget that the love's around, waiting in us and around us to discovered and seized upon and channeled appropriately.

   I know a person who's always complaining. No, not just one person, I know a lot of people who are always complaining :) I was one of those people too. It's understandable to feel frustrated with the way life's going, or isn't going, you know, we're just humans, it's what we do sometimes, we get frustrated, and think that life isn't treating us the right way.  

   But you know, if you complain, you're still in the same place you started - "NotWhereYouWannaBe".

   Look, you're going to complain. That's a given. Just don't make a habit out of it. It's about reconditioning your thought processes to be, well, more rosy.

   But some of you can come and say to me, "Well, look, it's all nice and well, what you're saying. But to adopt a more positive method of thinking is to view life through a distorted lens as well."

   Maybe so. But who among us is a stark realist, neither optimistic or pessimistic, having adopted the computerized way of viewing the world? None of us, surely. Maybe Martians, but none of us.

   And so, I ask you, "If the lens has got to be distorted anyway, wouldn't you rather choose the distortion that works in your favor?"

   Choose positivity. Make the choice of thanks, and the sacrifice of love. Throw aside your hatred, for the all-encompassing truth. The choice is entirely in your hands, this minute, and every minute, for you are of that Universal Power that shakes us to the very core of our being, and drives about these neccessary changes for understanding, just a little bit more, the secrets of life.

   I shall continue this topic in the next post, "I Am Thankful". Try to read the two together, as they're quite connected.

   Guys, please be brave and make the right choices for yourselves today, and every day. And I hope you pray for me too, to keep continuing on the better track, along with you, and the rest of humankind. Amen.

   Signed, your friendly Water Bearer.

   Have a question? Need to vent? Complaints, comments, tips? Give this ole dog a hoot at bemgcasrbaquarian@gmail.com


Saturday, 6 October 2012

Advice of the Day

Let go. Have fun. If it's only for a few moments, hell, even for a few seconds, just know that you're alive and breathing and everything's well. You're lucky to be having this beautiful experience called "Life"... who knows, maybe someday soon it could be taken away from you, or from those you love. Either way, the two things are equivalent. There's no excuse for driving yourself into the dirt with pessimism or unrealistic expectations or following a path that isn't yours. Please be brave enough to take that silent next step towards reconciliation with your true aura. Soon enough, you shall stand unclothed before the Higher Power, with great beauty shining off you and illuminating the universe as you embrace God's love, whatever God means to you. Make today the day to cast off all the false clothing you've been put through, be it by society or a thing of your own doing. Either way, make two things eternal: joy, even when you're doomed to fail, and you can't possibly get better, and universal love, through which freedom is achieved and all prayers are answered. God loves you, even if you don't currently love yourself. But you will, with God's grace. For love is the thing that shall hold you through your roughest parts on this Earth, and shall shape you into the higher angel you were intended to be. Let us make a contract of love, with ourselves, and with God. Ever after. Amen.

All About our Lovely Pisces

Welcome to my Pisces page! :D

What you'll find here:

  • Basic Pisces: Things you need to know about the Fishies.
  • Keywords and Associations of the sign Pisces.
  • Pisces with the Signs.
  • Pisces for All Genders.
  • Pisces Woman.
  • Pisces Man.
Basic Pisces

Hello Fishies! Here, I'm going to give you the basic qualities of your sign. This is mainly just your astrological fact-sheet. For students of astrology, or astrology enthusiasts viewing this page, you may want to note down or commit to memory the following information, as it would help you gather insight into the nature of the Fish.

Without further ado, here we go.

Sign: Pisces.
Symbol: Two fish swimming in opposite directions.
Quadruplicity (your element): Water.
Triplicity (your quality): Mutable.
Planetary rulership: Neptune (Jupiter in Vedic aka Indian astrology, as well as classical astrology).
Vibration: Neptune vibrates to the number "seven", Jupiter to the number "three".
Planetary Polarity: Feminine (you are influenced by the feminine planet Neptune).
Polarity: Yin (Feminine Night Forces).

Keywords and Associations of the sign Pisces

Fishies, I know you may not understand what I've said above, about all that -icity stuff and polarities and whatnot, but bear with me; the goal of this blog is to eventually explain all of that to you. So now I'm going to give you a bunch of concepts and professions and character types associated with your sign of Pisces. You may or may not agree with some of the connotations listed below, and they may or may not apply to you personally. But you know, these are the stereotypes that pop up in people's minds when they think "Pisces". So, on to the words.

Illusion, self-deception, fantasy, drowning in emotions, drug addict, prostitute, alcoholic, artist, blurring of boundaries, hunger, transcendental, religion, hospital, orphanage, prison house, soup kitchen, shelters, compassion, old soul, swimming with the current, most challenging incarnation to master, death, humane, submission, sacrifice.

Pisceans to Emulate

Albert Einstein
The Messiah, Jesus Christ
* Note that these are solar Pisceans, which means that the Sun was travelling through the Pisces zone of the zodiac at the time of their births.

These two Fish-people embody the higher ideals of the Pisces spirit.

Instead of swimming along with the current as many Fish, and indeed many people, are apt to do, Albert Einstein was the type of Fish who swam upstream, fighting the current, to produce something really beautiful towards humankind, out of the legendary Pisces imagination and considerable philosophical prowess.

The Messiah is the total embodiment of the selfless love principal that the Pisces soul must learn to master. Christ loved without hope of return, and in the end gave that most intimate of all his possessions to the people he loved: hisself. The Piscean essence of Christ is the reason behind listing "religion, hospital, orphanage, prison house, soup kitchen, shelters" in the associations passage.

Here is a quote from Linda Goodman, the astrology sensation who revamped this ancient art and marketed it successfully to the public:

"Pisces must learn that he is to serve mankind in some way, and eschew worldly possessions."

Pisces with the Signs

Here is a watered-down, basic compatibility chart for Pisces, the Fish. I say watered-down because I plan to tackle synastry, or compatibility astrology, in other, more in-depth blog posts. So, Fishies, here is the route for Pisces with the Signs.

Pisces with Aries

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Verdict: Nothing special here. You'd both be better off with someone else in the long run.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aries and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Taurus

My rating for this association: 3 out of 5
Verdict: A friendly association, with good overall chemistry. Worth giving it a shot.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a slightly better edge if the male is the Taurus and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Gemini

My rating for this association: 2 out of 5
Verdict: You have your work cut out for you. You both have lessons to learn from one another.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Gemini and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Cancer

My rating for this association: 4 out of 5
Verdict: As close to celestial bliss as you're ever going to get.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a slightly better edge if the male is the Cancer and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Leo

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Verdict: This can either be an association of true beauty, or a relentless clashing of spirits.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Leo and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Virgo


My rating for this association: Fluctuant.
Verdict: Dear Pisces, Virgo is your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel. The things you lack, Virgo possesses, and vice versa. You have incredibly useful lessons to learn from Virgo, so if you're getting to know a Virgo, thank your lucky stars - Virgo was sent to you to help improve your soul. If the Virgo you know is of the opposite sex, you will feel bound to this person's ideals like a magnet; if the relationship has a sexual or romantic twist, it will be explosive. However, you might feel an aversion or antipathy towards Virgos of the same sex, and chances are you might actively dislike them and mistrust their motivations. Tread wisely with this association, as either way, a close association between these two will never be strictly casual.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a slight edge if the male is the Virgo and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Libra

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Verdict: This can either be an association of true beauty, or a relentless clashing of spirits.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Libra and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Scorpio

My rating for this association: 4 out of 5
Verdict: As close to celestial bliss as you're ever going to get.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Scorpio and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Sagittarius

My rating for this association: 2 out of 5
Verdict: You have your work cut out for you. You both have lessons to learn from one another.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Sagittarius and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Capricorn

My rating for this association: 3 out of 5
Verdict: A very friendly association, with good overall chemistry. Worth giving it a shot.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a better edge if the male is the Capricorn and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Aquarius

My rating for this association: 2.5 out of 5
Verdict: Nothing special here. You'd both be better off with someone else in the long run.
For romance and sex, this relationship has a significantly better edge if the male is the Aquarius and the female is the Pisces.

Pisces with Pisces


My rating for this association: Fluctuant.
Verdict: So you're associated with another Pisces. This can either be a magnification of all the positives of the sign Pisces, in which case the two of you together can soar into unprecendented heights other humans can only dream of reaching. However, if all the negatives of the sign Pisces are magnified in your association, you can safely expect to cause a deep rift in your relationship and drive each other crazy and deep into the ocean of your depression. Better to tread carefully with this one.
Well, you're both Pisceans. You figure the romance and sex bit out!

Pisces for All Genders

   Oh, dear Fishies, dear, dear Fishies, I have an especial sympathy with you. Everyone's always going on about how Pisces is the sign of "self-undoing" (alarming, right?), and how all Fish people are jobless losers who eventually turn to drugs and alcohol, escapism, prostitution, and procrastination (some people are mean and narrow-minded enough to suggest that all Pisceans have problems with more than one of those crude things listed above). I'm here to go all Gemini on you, Neptune kids. I'm going to tell you just how wrong all those people are, and that you are all fabulous and dandy and shouldn't believe what they say one bit. Actually, I'm not going to say that... pay attention, I said I'm going Gemini on you, which means I'm changing my mind about every millisecond as to your inner nature. Okay, back to being Grandma Aquarius :)

   Actually, Fish people, you may have more reason than people born under any other zodiac sign to fear the "vices" (go ahead and call them vices if you want; I wouldn't like to pigeon-hole anything) I mentioned above. I'll be getting to the reasons why at some point in this post, I'm sure, and if I don't, it's up to you Fishies to place my mind back on the Neptunian track again... you Fishies might need some Arien firmness for that.

   I'll start off where people usually start off when discussing anything... the beginning. So, I'll give you what you need to know about all that mumbo-jumbo at the top of the page, under the column General Pisces.

   Dear Pisces, you are of the water element. Water represents the emotions, and therefore, my dear Pisceans, you people are comfortable within the waters of emotion, like your Scorpio and Cancer brothers and sisters. Most of you can probably cry for hours, and at any little thing that wouldn't make someone with a more airy or earthy humour leak; it could be anything, from the cuteness of a newborn kitten to your grandmama's recent divorce to the problems of world hunger. Pisces is sensitive, with a little bit more. Your compassion, dear Pisces, is exemplary in its purity. Pisces is the ultimate dissolution of the ego, the complete submission of the self to serve a greater cause than personal interests and day-to-day living. Remember, Jesus Christ Himself was a Fish, with a heavy Aquarian influence throughout his nativity; for those of you who still hold on to the Aquarian vibration on some level, be it through your moon or ascendant or whatnot, this combination of Air and Water within the birth chart of a person can bring about either a great humanitarian, or a very sad, unenlightened human being, especially when afflictions to the birth planets are present (porn star Sasha Grey has the placements of Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius; more on Ms. Grey's case in a bit).

   Dear Pisces, you are mutable water. The other mutable signs are Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. Mutable people are the communicators of the zodiac. Dear Pisces, the planet Venus, which rules beauty, art, and harmony, is exalted in your sign; basically, all this means that the chances are good that a lot of you are quite artistic, and use the arts as a way to communicate the myriad emotions you go through on a day-to-day basis. And when I say myriad, I mean MYRIAD! It's no wonder most Pisces people can be rather tired and listless; Pisces is definitely not an early riser in the mornings. The Fish values the beauty of dreams too much to want to jump out of bed early in the morning and get on with drab reality after that lunch date with a parakeet or that duel with a tyrannosaurus in the school playground (am I right, Fish people? ;). Anyway, the reason that you guys are always tired is because the boundaries become skewed for Pisceans; like the nature Fish, the emotions of everyone around diffuse into the perceptive consciousness of the intuitive Piscean; the Fish has a knack for absorbing the emotional attitudes of others, and making their problems his or her own; it's because the Pisces compassion with suffering knows no bounds. Also, didn't I tell you that Pisces represents death of the soul and the passing into Heaven? Who wouldn't be tired after all that living?
   Which brings us back to cases such as Ms. Grey's. It's not without reason that astrology warns the Fish to stay away from alcohol, excessive emotionality, sexual experimentation, and laziness. Indeed, many astrologers will tell you that Pisces is the sign of "self-undoing". Why is that? Pay attention to the symbol of the two fishes; aside from being a sign of duality, which poses problems in itself, the two fish of the symbol swim in opposite directions. In life, there is always a choice that the human Fish has to make, the earlier on in life, the better. Pisces can choose to either swim along with the current, eventually crashing downstream into the bottomless pit of addictions and Neptunian self-deception, or fight the temptation to drift along in life and swim upstream, into the arts and spiritualism, or scientific discovery. Albert Einstein and the Messiah were two of the upward-swimming Fish. Since the soul is already so close to death, the temptation to drift onto any path, regardless of whether it is the right path for that individual or not, becomes that much more pronounced in this incarnation of the soul. You belonging to the water element doesn't help much either, especially with the alcohol problems. All water people should be warned about the very real danger of alcohol addiction, since it can provide a very seductive cradle for their intense emotions, especially when no-one or nothing else will. Since Pisces is a mutable sign, and is so selfless, promiscuity may be a problem; the Fish waltzes into romance in an attempt to lose themselves in the emotions of another person and, at the same time, to find a home for those emotions as well. Remember, Pisces is a sign of duality. And since romance is quite natural to most Pisceans, Venus being exalted in the sign of Pisces, there can be quite a long house-search before a right fit is found. Along with its opposite sign Virgo, Pisces is the sign most associated with prostitutes and pornography actors. This may be due to the astrological association of Pisces with an emotional "hunger" of some sort, as the Fish always searches for a home to spill its emotions into, symbolic of the soul's hunger for the Afterlife. However, Pisces is not promiscuous by default; promiscuity is usually determined by the Venus and Mars signs of a person, and is usually indicated by an afflicted Venus and/or Mars in a mutable sign. At the very least, however, the Fish is flirtatious, or would like very much to be, since Pisceans are basically shy types, sometimes even loners.
   Dear Fish, please swim upstream. Before I forget, Pisces rules the feet, whereas the opposite sign of Virgo rules the hands. Most Neptunians have an uncanny acting streak, due to their ability to absorb whatever someone else is feeling. So, better in drown in this sort of illusion than other, less productive types (alcohol, procrastination, etc...). Another good career choice would be anything both art- and service-oriented, such as music or literature. Pisceans can opt to go into nursing, psychiatric work, or humanitarian pursuits. Statistically speaking, a great flock of people in religious occupations are Pisceans (a nod to the Messiah-syndrome, I guess.) These areas in particular could be graced by the Piscean's gentle perception of human nature.

To be continued...